Winnipeggers rally in support of Palestine / by Grey Gallinger

Stop the Massacre in Gaza

Although there were somewhere between a hundred to two hundred people gathered outside the Manitoba Legislature Sunday afternoon there was little said of the event in local news.

The rally, organized through social media and word of mouth, was a response to the recent escalation of violence in Gaza by the Israeli government.

The mainstream media is pretty much sticking to the same store being fed by Israel, as well as its allies (especially the United States and Canada), which is that Israel has the right to defend itself. However this war is not about defence. Simply looking at the death toll reveals how weighted the violence is in Israel's favour.

The above photo is my favourite among the dozens I took during the rally. What was most apparent to me at the rally was how many families were there, how many had relatives still living in Gaza, and how many children where standing in protest. It's easy to paint Palestinians as the bad guys when the media only print photos of Hamas and rockets being fired on Tel Aviv, but the distortions become apparent when you see the people being affected.

You can see the rest of the photos from Sunday's rally to end Israeli apartheid on my Flickr page..